On a First Name Basis with AI: SUSU Invites You to Study in a Modern Master's Programme

Have you ever sought the help of artificial intelligence (AI)? Maybe you asked it to draw a picture to suit your mood, edit your photo, or write a text for your post? Indeed, AI has confidently entered our everyday lives, not to mention those who develop AI systems and use it for work purposes.

South Ural State University provides training of Master’s degree students in the “Technologies and Methods of Artificial Intelligence in Fundamental and Applied Research" programme. You can enrol in it at the SUSU Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and become a highly-demanded specialist in the modern world.

What is so unique about this programme?

– Key technologies of artificial intelligence, their mathematical foundations, methods of development and optimization are studied.

– Application of artificial intelligence technologies in fundamental and applied scientific research is considered.

– Individual projects on the development of artificial intelligence systems are conducted.

– Internships at partner companies with the possibility of employment are organized.

“The first flow of Master’s degree students of this programme have already graduated. All of them defended their theses with excellent marks. Their qualifying diploma papers are the result of individual projects relevant to the development of artificial intelligence systems. Some students proposed their own topics, others completed projects on the tasks of our partner companies,” says Alena Zamyshlyaeva, Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Programming.

Graduates can apply the gained knowledge in developing intelligent systems in the oil and gas industry, the financial sector and banking systems, healthcare, manufacturing, the transport industry, and municipal services.

The training will be especially useful for employees of IT companies, programmers and mathematicians, employees of enterprises developing or using artificial intelligence systems in their work.

And what do students say?

“Training in the chosen area allows, most of all, to systematize and supplement knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence. Moreover, this opens up the opportunity to study new software solutions that you have not encountered in your work before,” says programme graduate Anton Sheludko.

Read more about the programme.


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