SUSU Together with LD Plant Held Career Guidance Event for College Students

On October 3rd, a meeting of university teachers and representatives of the LD group of companies with first-year students of South Ural State College took place at South Ural State University. The goal of the event was to introduce the students to current trends and in-demand professions.

The LD group of companies is a leading manufacturer of pipeline fittings in Russia with over 20 years of experience. The company actively cooperates with the university in scientific research and educational activities. Including providing access to its production sites and equipment, and organizing internships and practical training for students.

"At present, specialists in hydraulics, design engineers, and mechanical engineers are in great demand, and it is important to show students from the very first year what career prospects await them, what heights they can reach. Today, the LD group of companies is actively growing, new workshops and workplaces are being created, we are purchasing new equipment, and all the guys who come to work for us will have the opportunity to show themselves," said Iuliia Smirnova, Head of the Training Centre of the LD group of companies.

The meeting with college students was divided into two blocks. At the beginning, the guys were addressed by Aleksandr Ismagilov, Associate Professor of the Department of Hydraulics and Hydropneumatic Systems of the SUSU Institute of Engineering and Technology. He spoke in detail about studying at the university, about relevant specialties and employment prospects after graduation.

"It is important that we provide information and select it so that future applicants can filter it. Nowadays, there are many sources of information, and oversaturation with it can lead to confusion. Due to the information overload, applicants sometimes find it difficult to determine where to go next, so we help them figure it out and choose the right path. Companies are now interested in highly qualified specialists, and our university produces ready-made specialists with in-demand knowledge who can benefit our country," said Aleksandr Ismagilov.

The second block was devoted to the history of pipelines from the Paleolithic age to the present day. The lecture was accompanied by an interactive game with questions, and participants received prizes from the company for correct answers.

"In my opinion, holding such events is important for many reasons, but among the most important ones is to introduce students to their specialty in an entertaining format so that they develop an interest in the profession," said Rushan Gatiiatullin, an employee of the Advertising Department of the LD group of companies.

At the end of the lesson, all the children tried to assemble a brass ball valve with their own hands.

"Today I learned a lot about my profession, about the history of pipelines, about how our profession was born, and we also learned how to assemble ball valves. I think this event is useful for us first of all from the point of view of mastering the specialty and for future employment at enterprises," shared 1st-year student of South Ural State College David Piskunov.

At the end of the meeting, the students expressed their gratitude to the SUSU teachers and the employees of the LD group of companies for an interesting and useful meeting, as well as for the opportunity to communicate and ask questions.

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