New Generation Chooses SUSU

On October 2nd, the 9th City Occupation Guidance Forum and Exhibition “New Generation Chooses!” started. South Ural State University is among its participants. This event is aimed at helping school pupils of the 8th–11th forms choose programmes that would be most relevant for their obtaining of the secondary vocational or higher education in the future.

This event is held annually. This year, the forum presents 70 interactive venues from organisations of secondary vocational and higher education, where school pupils can learn about the specialities and professions that are in demand in various industries.

The SUSU Institute of Engineering and Technology prepared a fascinating master class on electric power generation from “nothing” for school pupils. The institute’s representatives also explained how electric power is supplied to houses, as well as told about the basics of electric safety.

“I often work with children, and I also teach at the SUSU College, and constantly see that guys do not quite understand where they would like to go study in the future. And events like this give a chance to demonstrate that science is not that scary or difficult, but is rather interesting. Today there is a shortage of specialists and true professionals at enterprises. Our department is actively engaged in solving this problem: we organize laboratory work for children and visit schools. So, this event is a great opportunity to let children immerse themselves in the profession of an electric power engineer,” shared assistant of the Department of Power Stations, Grids, and Electric Power Systems Dmitry Evok.

Members of the teaching staff of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics shared with teenagers the specifics of the profession of a chemical engineer, they told about what carbon is and how coal, coke and graphite are produced, and what methods of their processing exist.

“We show guys the samples of polyurethane obtained at our department and used as heat-insulating material. We explain how we produce it, and also present the quite wide range of carbon products and give information about the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation. Chemical engineers are actually very much in demand, and this event allows us to share with school pupils on this profession and its specifics,” noted lecturer of the Department of Ecology and Chemical Engineering Vadim Mordukhovich.

The School of Medical Biology presented the speciality of a biotechnologist and held a master class for school pupils where they could create a yeast preparation for microscopy and observe through the microscope the yeast functioning when exposed to favourable and unfavourable factors.

“Since microorganisms are the biological agents in biotechnology, we share with school pupils on what yeast is, where it is used, and we study its morphological features and use various methods of colour-marking it for further analysis. The Biotechnology programme is trending in the development of industry and science. That is why it is very important that we train young personnel namely in this field and make school pupils interested in obtaining this speciality, so that they could understand how important it is for the development of science and technologies in industry,” explained Associate Professor of the Department of Food Technology and Biotechnology Svetlana Merenkova.

The forum will be held at the address 8 Stepana Razina Street till October 11th from 10:00 till 16:00. Read more about the schedule of venues at SUSU here.

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