Scouting for Talents: First-year Students’ Festival “SUSU Talent – 2024” Has Started

The first-year students' festival "SUSU Talent − 2024" has started. The first day of the selection round was held in the "Maneken" studio-theatre.

On October 1st, SUSU began the traditional first-year students’ festival “SUSU Talent – 2024”, which will last until October 9th.

In the Maneken studio-theatre, Deputy Director of the Creativity Centre Svetlana Vostrikova greeted the jury members and all participants of day one of the selection round of the SUSU Talent Festival 2024 and wished everyone good luck.

The jury included the artistic director of the Maneken studio-theatre Vladimir Filonov, Director of the Maneken studio-theatre Roman Vorozhtsov, and the organizer from the SUSU Recreation Centre Olga Bragina.

"The main thing is for the guys to be open and lively and to understand what is happening inside their work. When performing, it is necessary to understand the rules of the game: you are on stage, we are the audience and are safe, we are watching you relaxed, so you should also relax and say what you have prepared. If you go on stage, it means you have the right to say something. Don't be afraid of anything!" Roman Vorozhtsov, Director of the Maneken studio-theatre, addressed the participants of the competition.

On day one of the festival, the selection was held in the Art of Declamation and Compere's Comments categories. First-year students from both the university and college came to show their talents. Some even brought a support group with them.

"I have been studying art of declamation since the 1st form, I have declaimed on many stages in this city and elsewhere, I have won prizes in competitions, so I decided to continue performing. I love reciting poetry, my favourite authors are Alexander Pushkin, Sergei Yesenin, Marina Tsvetaeva. I like to convey the meaning of each work from stage, I especially like performing on big stages. Today my close people came to support me, thanks to them the excitement has subsided a little," shared 1st-year student of the Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service Viktoriia Semenovskaia.

The jury members treated all participants with understanding and support. They patiently waited for everyone who needed to concentrate, carefully pointed out shortcomings and advised how to improve their performances.

"I like being on stage, I wanted to show myself. I don't know if I have talent, let the jury judge that. I see this as an opportunity to try my hand, any outcome of the competition will suit me. Assessing my performance now, I understand that there were shortcomings, and it is valuable that the jury pointed out all the pros and cons to me," said first-year student of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Timofey Ufimtsev.

Participants can demonstrate their abilities in various categories: Art of Declamation, Compere's Comments, Poetry, Vocals, Original or Bard Songs, Instrumental Performers, Choreography, and Original Genre.

Please note the change: the Awards Ceremony will take place in the SUSU Assembly Hall (main university building) on October 9th at 15:00. We wish everyone good luck!

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