SUSU Construction Team among the Leaders of the Peaceful Atom All-Russian Student Construction Works

The closing ceremony of the anniversary Tenth Peaceful Atom All-Russian Student Construction Works has been held in Ozyorsk. This summer, the labour project united 550 team members of Russian student teams including 48 teams from 23 regions. At the end of the season, the team of South Ural State University was named among the best ones.

Every year, over ten years now, Ozyorsk has been opening its doors for the major, longest and most large-scale construction project of Russian student teams. Over this period of time, more than 5000 team members have visited Ozyorsk. This year, the anniversary of the project coincided with the 65th anniversary of student teams since the beginning of the movement and the 20th anniversary of the creation of the modern history of student teams.

This year, during the project, student teams have not only worked at industrial sites, but also competed in creativity and sports. The performance of each team was assessed by points in production (working) and commissar (leisure-time) activities.

The best in production (working) indicators became the team of “Granit” from South Ural State University, that specializes in concrete works, reinforcement works and painting.

The ceremony was visited by honoured guests: General Director of the Production Association Mayak Andrey Poroshin, General Director of AO “Company for Construction Engineering “ISTOK” Grigoriy Sosnin, Commissioner of the Central Headquarters of Russian Student Teams Mariia Kornilova, Acting Head of the Head Department of Youth Policy of the Chelyabinsk Region Aleksey Khrushchev, Head of the Chelyabinsk Regional Branch of Russian Student Teams and Commander of the Headquarters of Student Teams of the Ural Federal District Yuriy Boldyrev.

For two months, members of the Russian Student Teams were engaged in the development of Istok and Mayak industrial sites, in plastering, painting, reinforcing and concrete works. Special attention was traditionally paid to occupational safety issues, as well as practical training by students at the Safety Factory. For the second year in a row, the project involved not only builders: students were engaged in helping employees of the Ozyorsk sanatorium and health resort as medical personnel and employees in the service sector.

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