SUSU International Students Visited Taganay National Park and Lake Turgoyak

Staff members of the Sociocultural Adaptation Centre of the International Office organized a tour to the Taganay National Park and Lake Turgoyak for SUSU international students on July 9th.

The tour started with visiting one of the most beautiful places in the South Ural region: Taganay National Park. International students walked along the Journey through Europe and Asia eco-trail and climbed to the Semibratka observation deck, from where they could admire beautiful views of the mountains. The students enjoyed the walk since everyone managed to cope with the 4-km route.

The tour round the Chelyabinsk Region did not end there because immediately after Taganay Park the students went to another famous place in our region: Lake Turgoyak. Since the weather was very hot, the students could swim and relax on the beach.

“Taganay is a magical place! I was struck by its charming name, which means “Moon stand”. Although we drove for 2 hours to the park, we were still extremely excited. Especially when I stood on the observation deck, it seemed to me that the world became smaller, the entire forest spread under my feet. We also went to Lake Turgoyak, which is known for its crystal-clear water and picturesque embankments. The lake is considered to be the younger brother of Lake Baikal. I liked it very much. I suggest everyone to visit these places to enjoy the amazing nature of the South Ural region,” Yin Hailong from China shared his impressions.

The Sociocultural Adaptation Centre of South Ural State University constantly organizes tours round the Urals region for international students.

You can find out more about the events of the centre in the SUSU Sociocultural Adaptation Centre VK group.

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