SUSU Advanced Engineering School “Heart of the Urals” Was Presented to Colleagues from MEPhI

Georgiy Tikhomirov, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head of the Methodological Centre of the Advanced Engineering Schools at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, and Roman Vovchuk, Head of the Department of Interaction with Industrial Partners of Advanced Engineering Schools, came to get acquainted with our university.

SUSU has its own the Heart of the Urals Advanced Engineering School (AES), which became one of the winners of the competition within the framework of the federal project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia. The Heart of the Urals AES is developing a whole range of educational programmes and is designed to accumulate best practices, scientific achievements, advanced engineering and production experience and, on the basis of this, provide training for engineers with new quality skills in the field of engine building and special equipment.

“We talked with the very organization that forms general approaches to the implementation of the federal program for an advanced engineering school. This gave us the opportunity to discuss pressing issues, the experience of other schools, find common approaches, contacts and further plans for interaction,” said Sergey Taran, Director of the Heart of the Urals Advanced Engineering School.

Representatives of the AES Methodological Centre set their goals for the visit to build a dialogue on a clear understanding of the goals, objectives and planned results of the federal project; communication with representatives of industrial partners; visiting and examining innovation laboratories, AES centres; establishing direct contact between the AES team and the experts of the Methodological Centre.

“I believe that the engineering school at SUSU is indeed at a very high level. We need to cooperate with other advanced engineering schools and solve educational and scientific problems. It is very important to study other people's experiences, including international ones, and, of course, promote your school. After all, the more correctly we describe our competence, the easier it is for us to find partners, industrial friends for cooperation among universities,” said Georgiy Tikhomirov.

The guests went on an excursion to the Supercomputer Simulation Laboratory (Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Technologies REC). Next, they paid a visit to the Tribotechnics Laboratory, the Engine Testing Educational Laboratory, and the unique “Injection” Research Installation. SUSU developments were also demonstrated at the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute in the Laboratory Building of the university.

As part of the event, a meeting was also held with AES’s industrial partner, Kurgandormash JSC.

An important part of the meeting was receiving methodological recommendations from experts in engineering education and answers to questions from the management of SUSU, the team of the Heart of the Urals AES and representatives of the industrial partner Kurgandormash JSC.

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