On the last days of June student scientific communities’ supervisors took part in educational event in the Knowledge center «Mashuk» in city Pyatigorsk. During four days 160 supervisors from all over the country came together to share with their experience and knowledge in the format of interactive lectures and panel discussion.
Participants actively discussed a role of student scientific communities in the federal scientific and technical agenda and in projects related to the Decade of Science and Technology. Thanks to dialogue with representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF, supervisors could understand better the importance of their work and impact that they could have on development of science and technologies in the country.
«On «Mashuk» have been set up all conditions for getting new knowledge and sharing the experience between universities. We have been discussing such topics as tutoring, social designing of activity, forming of an image of SSC, opportunities for points of growth for our students in science. By the end of events there was created a roadmap, that united key events of SSC in the Ural Federal District», - comment on Deputy Director of Institute of Engineering and Technology for Extracurricular, Educational and International Work, SUSU student scientific community supervisor Ivan Ilyin.
The event organized by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Its aim – to form an active community of SSC, included in the regional agenda of scientific and educational and scientific and organizational activities of students.