The masters in brand management of the company will be trained in Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities in SUSU

The program "Strategic Communications and Branding" in the direction of "Advertising and public Relations", implemented by the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, meets the modern demands of the communication market, which needs specialists in the field of strategic communications, process management of the development and implementation of major communication programs and projects in the fields of politics, business, promotion of territories.

Such a demand for specialists capable of performing professional tasks of increased complexity in the field of branding, public relations and advertising stimulates an in-depth study of the brand concept, its communications, requests from employers, professional practices of communication agencies, large corporations, etc.

"In the process of studying at the master's program," says Anna Cherednyakova, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, "students develop themselves at the level of creativity: they develop concepts and create unique brand images, develop marketing campaigns and explore new ideas – and all in order to stand out among competitors clearly position yourself. After all, a modern brand manager solves a wide range of tasks from strategic planning and brand development to operational management of marketing activities. A significant part of the Master's degree course is also aimed at developing analytical thinking, project management, communication skills, presentation skills, etc.

Brand managers influence the success of the brand and the company as a whole. Their work is aimed at creating and maintaining a positive brand image, which helps to attract and retain customers, increase sales and strengthen the company's position in the market.

This education is a unique starting opportunity in building a career. With experience and success, specialists can be promoted to senior positions in the field of marketing and brand management, as well as have the opportunity to work with well-known brands and organizations.

This academic year, undergraduates in the field of Advertising and Public Relations conducted research in the field of eco-branding, branding of marketplaces, and participated in the design of key university events in the process of research and professional practices. They develop key communication projects in a wide variety of fields: social, economic, and political. To solve the problems of such a diverse range of fields of activity, a wide range of professional competencies is needed, based on the intersection of creativity, analytics, digital competencies, as well as flexibility, adaptability and readiness for constant self-development. The academic disciplines of the “Strategic Communications and Branding” program contribute to the fulfillment of professional tasks of increased complexity in the field of branding.

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