Where to go to study: new specialties at SUSU

The admission campaign of South Ural State University has begun. Every year the university offers something new. We talked with the directors of institutes and higher schools of the university: we learned about new programs and about the mood for admission.

This academic year, SUSU offers more than 2,500 budget places, of which 448 target places account for bachelor's, specialist's, master's and postgraduate studies.

SUSU has a huge selection of specialties and directions that will help to start a path to a professional future. All institutes and higher schools of our university have prepared new unique programs for this year's applicants!

Institute of Architecture and Construction

The training is carried out in several key areas: architecture, construction, design of the architectural environment and construction of unique buildings and structures, land management and cadastres.

"Every year a lot of applicants come to us. This year, enrollment for the Bachelor's degree program in urban construction continues. We opened it just a couple of years ago together with our employers, as the region has great needs for urban planning specialists," says Dmitry Ulrich, director of Institute of Architecture and Construction.

In addition, within the framework of the Construction direction, recruitment is open for a promising master's degree program "Information Modeling and calculation of building structures, buildings and structures", at the end of which graduates will possess modern information modeling technologies recognized today all over the world. According to the director of the institute, Institute of Architecture and Construction applicants approach creative exams very responsibly upon admission, having previously completed preparatory courses for several months. And during the study period, active students compete in their skills, becoming winners in international and All-Russian construction championships and professional skill competitions.

School of Medical Biology

The most sought-after area of higher education is clinical psychology. An actual offer is the master's degree program "Artificial Intelligence in Biotechnology".

"I would like to wish applicants patience, this whole process of applying and waiting for enrollment is very stressful. But it's worth it. After all, SUSU has everything for students to achieve career and personal heights," says Oksana Zinina, Associate Professor of the Department of Food and Biotechnology.


School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Applicants who are interested in modern technologies are waiting here: big data analysis, neurotechnology, artificial intelligence, the latest sensor systems, industrial process automation technology, radio electronics, etc. All these technologies are at their peak now, and SUSU is ready to give the necessary knowledge to students!

"I would like to note that each admission campaign is unique. We are looking forward to new applicants - very creative, interesting guys always come to us with new trends and ideas. This subsequently helps us to improve our programs and open various additional education courses," says Alexander Gollai, Director of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

This year, the institute offers several innovations in educational programs. Thus, the bachelor's degree program "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science" has been opened in the profile "Applied Mathematics and artificial intelligence" within the framework of a grant for the development of AI programs. Graduates will know the basics of AI work, which are complemented by deep mathematical programming training.

"We want guys who are ready to gain knowledge, study and become highly qualified specialists to come to us," reports Alyona Zamyshlyaeva, director of Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

In the areas of "Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling" and "Mathematics and Computer Science", educational programs have been developed with the assignment of two qualifications – in addition to the main one, the direction of "Software Engineering" is added.

Another innovation is the bachelor's degree program "Chemical Technology" jointly developed with the Magnezit company, where you can enroll in targeted training.

Institute of Linguistics and International Communications

At this institute, the directions related to the study of the Chinese language are increasingly gaining popularity – "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics", "Foreign Regional Studies". Senior students have the right to enter the exchange program and go to China for a semester, where they will continue their studies in Chinese and English.

"We are always waiting for not only smart, but also active children participating in various Olympiads and creative competitions," says Elena Shapkina, Institute of Linguistics and International Communications Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities

"SUSU Institute of Media and Social Sciences and Humanities trains specialists in the field of public relations and advertising, universal journalists, philologists, historians, theologians, art historians and sociologists. When teaching students, we rely on modern technologies — up-to-date software, a powerful technological base. We are actively monitoring where the social sciences are moving, which is why our institute already has a neuromarketing research laboratory.

A modern specialist should have all these skills, be able to work with modern technologies, not be afraid of them, but on the contrary, use them confidently. In addition, 78 budget places have been allocated to our institute this year: 60 for bachelors and 18 for masters. Also, starting this year, we have opened a set for a unique master's program "Digital Society and Technological Ethics" (04.47.01 "Philosophy")," says Lidia Lobodenko, Director of Institute of Linguistics and International Communications.

Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service

"Our entire admission campaign has been worked out clearly and begins for us not a month before the start, but much earlier – back in October. A specific plan is being drawn up, what we would like to implement, what to improve, what events to hold, etc. This is quite a painstaking and serious job. First of all, it is important to tell applicants and their parents in detail about the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service, about the areas of training and many other specifics, to show the prospects that the student will receive during his studies and after graduation, with what knowledge and achievements he will come out," says Vadim Erlich, director of Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service.

According to Vadim Erlich, 80% of students have been employed in almost every relevant area of the Institute since the 3rd year.

"Of course, the admission procedure itself is standard, comfortable and as clear as possible so that the documents are submitted quickly, and there a lot depends on the staff of our institute, of which I am proud. And, of course, the more people come to us, the more evidence I see."

School of Economics and Management

The Higher School of Economics and Management is recruiting for bachelor's degree programs in the fields of Economics, Management, State and Municipal Management, and Business Informatics. As for the specialty, these are "Economic security" and "Customs". The range of master's degree programs is particularly wide: graduates can choose the program that is interesting to them based on the field of activity they choose.

"The School of Economics and Managementhas new programs aimed at modern trends that are emerging in the field of industry. These are those dedicated to technological leadership and entrepreneurship, concerning high-tech projects, which, in my opinion, will be especially in demand not only by specialists in the field of economics and management, but also by representatives of engineering and information areas. And, of course, we do not just expect a large number of applicants, but we also believe in it!" – said the Director of the School of Economics and Management Angelika Karpushkina.

School of Economics and Management trains economists, managers, specialists in the field of economic security, customs and many others – areas that have been in demand for a number of years and remain so.

Institute of Engineering and Technology

Institute of Engineering and Technology invites those who want to open new enterprises in the future, based on engineering education. There are not isolated cases when graduates have opened their own companies and developed them in the conditions of the region.

"We are waiting for motivated applicants who want to develop the country and their skills in the field of engineering in various industries," says Mikhail Ivanov, Director of Institute of Engineering and Technology.

Institute of Law

Institute of Law offers all the legal training courses that are available in the Russian Federation. Especially unique bachelor's degree programs are "Examination of substances, materials, products" and "Engineering and technical expertise". For the third year, recruitment is underway for the popular and universal specialty "Judicial and prosecutorial activities".

"The level of knowledge that our Institute of Law provides is high. This is confirmed by the fact that throughout the year, employers come to us who select graduates in advance," says Natalia Tkacheva, Deputy Director of the Institute of Engineering and Technology for Academic Affairs.



It is located in the main academic building of SUSU at 76 Lenin Avenue. Entrance to the central doors.


Opening hours:

Monday – Friday from 9:00 to 17:00

Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 to 14:00



In the same hall of the admissions committee there is a Support Center for applicants entering according to quotas: special, separate, targeted. You can ask for help in person or by WhatsApp: 8-902-611-38-33

Daily from 9:00 to 17:00

On weekends from 9:00 to 14:00



If you have any questions, but there is no possibility of a full-time visit to the university, you can contact us by phone:



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