Applicant-2024: SUSU has opened more than 2,500 budget places

The admission campaign of the largest university in the Southern Urals starts on June 20. More than 2,500 budget places are open to applicants in 2024!

For 80 years, South Ural State University has been the flagship in the field of training in-demand specialists in various engineering industries represented by the university. The university is also a leader in the field of training specialists in law, IT, natural sciences, economics, linguistics, sociology, physical culture and tourism.

In the new academic year, SUSU offers more than 2,500 budget places, of which 448 target places are for bachelor's, specialist's, master's and postgraduate studies.

The university's priority is to train specialists of the military-industrial complex who are in demand on the labor market. SUSU invites children to master the specialties of a technologist, a designer in the field of aircraft engineering, ammunition and fuses, ground transportation and technological means. Budget places for applicants are interested in obtaining high-quality higher education in these areas, as well as in the fields of mechanical engineering, mechatronics, robotics, automation and instrumentation are enough to support the desire to study engineering sciences.

The opportunity to gain good knowledge in the field of information technology, programming, and information security is also supported by a large number of budget places.

Applicants are also expected in the areas of construction, construction of unique buildings and structures, electrical engineering and electric power industry.

Specialties related to chemistry, chemical technology, ecology and environmental management are becoming more relevant every year, and, of course, budget places have been saved this year.

SUSU still has budget places for economics, management, state and municipal administration, business informatics, applied informatics, sociology, philology, history, tourism, hospitality, pedagogical education, physical culture, linguistics and international Relations, the Department of Technology Products and Catering.

This year, for the first time, SUSU has provided a large number of budget places for the correspondence department in the areas of "Electric Power Engineering and electrical Engineering", "Design and technological support of machine-building production", "Theology". Traditionally, the university offers budget places for full-time and part-time education.

Notice, that for applicants who apply based on the results of creative tests, the deadline for submitting documents is July 9. For those who apply based on the results of internal tests, until July 20. The deadline for accepting documents for students applying for the Unified State Exam is July 25. By August 3, applicants must bring the original documents to the selected university.

The phone number of the SUSU Admissions Committee is 8 (800) 300-00-55.

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