Congratulations to the New Deputy Presidents of AISA

South Ural State University congratulates Dilrabo Zurafzhon kizi Tozhikulova and Rony Jamil El Rai for being elected as Deputy Presidents of SUSU Association of International Students and Alumni. We wish our new leaders every success in addressing a wide range of tasks related to the further development of the association.

Dilrabo Zurafzhon kizi Tozhikulova is also a SUSU student from Uzbekistan getting her Master’s degree at the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities. She agrees to answer some questions about her study in Chelyabinsk and her plans for the new post.

- Let us congratulate you! What is your story of being a member of AISA?

- Thank you for your congratulations! I became a part of the Association in 2019. From that time I was a participant of such big events as Eurasia Global, Russia Made us Friends, Russia - Uzbekistan. And then I became a part of the organisation team for Ural Fest. My work was highly appreciated and in 2021 I won the 2020 Initiative Fund Award.

- What was the procedure for electing deputies?

- I was elected as the deputy president at a general meeting where there were all the members of SUSU Association of International Students and Alumni. To become a candidate a person should have the experience of working in the Association and the ability to teach and share everything that they have learned during their life as a part of AISA with new members and all international students.

- What are your plans for the future?

- We plan to keep on developing our Association - organize different events (in our period of time they may be held online) and help international students in difficult situations. One of the main parts of our job is to cover our activities in the media, so people can get to know what we do and join us in the future.

- What prompted you to become a candidate?

- AISA is my second family. I can’t imagine my life here without our team. So I decided to put myself in nomination.

- How do you combine study and work?

- For me my work in AISA is never a difficult thing, I am always happy to help people and contribute  my efforts to the success of the Association.

- What are the advantages of SUSU?

- I like my university as there is an opportunity to grow both for Russian and international students, the main thing is their desire! I do both science and extra-curricular activities, I learn languages, I learn lots about different cultures. I can do it without going abroad, just by meeting people of different nationalities at the university, communicating with them, making friends and of course finding like-minded people.

- Will you advise your compatriots to enter SUSU?

- I strongly advise them to choose SUSU as a place for getting their higher education. At the university you’re always welcome, always supported, here you can develop your skills and build a bright future. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake! You should live, dream, learn and never stop your self-improvement. SUSU opens the doors of success for any person, and I am glad to have chosen this university.


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International Student Support at the SUSU International Office

Email: applicant[at]susu[dot]ru

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Valentina Metelyova, photo from Dilrabo Zurafzhon kizi Tozhikulova’s archive
Contact person: 
Office of Internet Portals and Social Media, 267-92-86
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