SUSU Military Training Centre Honours the Memory of Defenders of the Fatherland

As part of the Day of Military Glory of Russia in honour of the victory of Russian warriors of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipus, the SUSU Military Training Centre held a series of meetings with the Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and International History of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, Candidate of Sciences (History) Alexander Timofeev.

Students were offered fascinating lectures about Alexander Nevsky, the Battle on the Ice and other glorious deeds of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince, one of the most revered in our country.

Opening the meeting, Yuri Meshkov, specialist for student affairs at the university Centre for the Prevention of Antisocial Behaviour, noted that such events were being held within the frameworks of the Program on Civil-Patriotic Education of Students:

“Nowadays, 779 years later, we do not forget about the glorious victories of Alexander Nevsky and his armed force. Once again we remind our students about the heroic struggle of the Russian people against foreign invaders. The significance of the victory is enormous. Wars saved the Russian people from enslavement. Alexander Nevsky selflessly fought against the Western conquerors, saved Russia from ruin, did not allow the Russians to perish as a nation. Today, the topic of protecting our state from internal and external military threats is very relevant.”

“I think this is a very good format for holding the event. It shows that we must remember the exploits of the heroes - our ancestors. This helps to learn a lot of new things from their lives, to get more involved in history,” shared his impressions Alexander Posadnov, student of the SUSU Military Training Centre.



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