Young Scientists Are Invited to Participate in MENDELEEV 2021, the XII International Conference on Chemistry

To unite young scientists from around the world, who are aspiring after discoveries and innovations in the field of chemistry, is the intent behind the MENDELEEV 2021 Conference, to be held September 6th through September 10th. Researchers from SUSU are invited to participate in this event and share the results of their scientific work with their colleagues.
Young chemistry scientists are welcome to take part in MENDELEEV 2021, the XII International Conference. This event is one of the biggest organized in Russia for researchers from various fields of chemistry.

The Conference is held by the Institute of Chemistry of St Petersburg University. Students, postgraduates and scientists aged 35 and younger will be able to share the results of their research studies at this event.

The participants may choose from the six parallel scientific sessions included in the program: Analytical Chemistry, Computer Modelling and Cheminformatics, Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry, Nanochemistry and Nanomaterials, Organic and Biomedicalchemistry, or Polymer Science. The event will also include the meetings with representatives of major chemical companies (potential employers of the young chemists), introduction to the work of the Research Park of St. Petersburg State University, as well as excursions to the historical centre of Saint Petersburg. 

In addition the Conference participants will be free to attend DIAZO 2021, a big symposium on the chemistry of diazo compounds, a satellite event to be held within MENDELEEV 2021.

The participants will need to prepare their talk abstracts and presentations, as well as register on the Conference's official web-site: There they will also find the examples of the abstracts' execution.

The official language of the event is English, so the submitted information must be in English.

Registration is open till June 30th (early registration closes on May 31st).

The Conference will be held in Saint Petersburg, September 6th through September 10th.


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