SUSU Scientists, Commendable Representatives of the South Ural Art History School

March 31st, the leading scientists from the Department of Theology, Culture, and Arts of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities took part in an Online Science-to-Practice Conference on the "Industrial Society and Modern Artistic Culture: from an Idea to Project Implementation", within the federal innovation platform. The conference was organized by Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts, with which the Department has been fruitfully collaborating for many years now.

Rector Aleksandr Shestakov gratefully accepted the offer by the Academy's Rector Sergey Kurasov on our university's participation; and to act as the moderator, he assigned the Professor at the Department of Theology, Culture, and Arts, Leading Research Fellow of the Cultural Theory and History Research and Education Centre, Doctor of Sciences (Art History) and Honoured Arts Worker of the Russian Federation Natalya Parfentyeva. Among the speakers also were the Head of the Department, Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Art History), Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation Nikolay Parfentyev, as well as Junior Research Fellow of the Research and Education Centre, Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences (Culture Studies) Semen Voroshin.

The scientists shared on the experience of the SUSU Art Gallery's functioning. The ways of forming the cultural identity of students in relevant sociocultural art practices were covered. A unique "Danae" project by the SUSU Art Gallery was presented as an implementation of the concepts of Post-Modernist art. But the report by Nikolay Parfentyev on the "Recreation of the Idea of the painting by Vasily Neyasov "Reunification of the Volga Peoples with Russia"" sparked particular interest and received support. He talked about the masterpiece by artist Vasily Neyasov (1926-1984), who had been working on putting his idea into life for 35 years, but never got the chance to create the painting on canvas. Only a preliminary piece of cardboard of the dimensions of the painting that the artist had had in mid (3 х 5 m) were preserved, as well as some sketches, which are stored in the university Art Gallery. In 2020 the recreated canvas in a frame was exhibited in the SUSU Scientific Library's hall and open for all the student and the teaching staff audience.

The Head of the Department of Art History and Humanities of Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts, Professor Kirill Gavrilin spoke in praise of the work done and noted the big social significance of the SUSU projects.


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