Participants of QA Assistant Hackathon Began Developing a Chatbot for Outpatient Clinics in the City of Chelyabinsk

During the first stage of the Hackathon, which was held at the end of February, students developed chatbot projects for the first line of outpatient clinics. Now future specialists, jointly with the staff members of iTerritory and SUSU, will not only create, but also test a digital product in practice.

The organizers came up with an idea to create a project team consisting of students, experienced specialists of the iTerritory, subordinate to the Ministry of Information of the Chelyabinsk Region, and the SUSU specialists during the QA Assistant Hackathon. The participants developed a chatbot project for the first line of outpatient clinics. In the course of the process an interesting trend was revealed: while working on the task, some of the students were working as data analysts, others as developers, and the rest could successfully conduct a technical assignment.

As a result, a project team of students, who took part in a meeting at the platform of the Chelyabinsk Regional Centre for Navigation and Information Technologies (iTerritory),was formed.

The SUSU student team includes representatives of various IT specialties, institutes and schools of the university:

  1. Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics:
  • Applied Mathematics and Computer Science programme: Danil Kormilin, Ilya Stepanov, Daria Kulikova, group ЕТ-212;
  • Applied Engineering programme: Vlada Serova, group ЕТ-125.
  1. School of Economics and Management, Business Informatics programme: Konstantin Eliseev, group ЭУ-220; Georgiy Kalyapin, group ВШЭУз-259; EgorVolkov, ЭУ-342.
  2. Institute of Linguistics and International Communications, Fundamental and Applied Linguistics programme: Andrey Lupu, group ЛМ-337.
  3. School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science:
  • Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies programme Sergey Kurochkin, КЭ-212; 
  • Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence programme, Yulia Ziganshina, КЭ-230. 

Mikhail Pichik, Deputy Director of the iTerritory, gave the welcome speech.

“After the organized Hackathon in February, we collected feedback from participants and saw that students would like to develop an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). We decided to set a high, but achievable goal: it is necessary not only to develop a version, but also to put the project into practice of outpatient clinics in the city of Chelyabinsk,” he says, adding that the iTerritory management will support the project team at all stages of work.

“I am glad that the SUSU Boiling Point platform has brought together representatives of different areas of training of IT specialists, and all of them will be able to contribute to the implementation of an important social project,” said Elena Bunova, Deputy Director of the SUSU Boiling Point, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Programming.

Sergey Pavlov, Head of the Process Automation and Web Development Department at iTerritory and also head of the project team, conducted interviews with students, assigned roles in the project team, defined goals and work plan for the next few months, and the format of online meetings. The students will be able to try themselves in any direction: analytics, data management or programming. The work will be done according to the Scrum development methodology. It involves breaking the work down into short periods, at the end of which an express assessment is carried out and adjustments are made.

Once or twice a month, an online stand-up with the head of the project group and weekly work with the project coordinators, the main specialists of iTerritory Danil Prokopenko and Konstantin Gazha, will be organised.

The organizers were happy to hear that the students want to improve the service for Chelyabinsk residents, bring new technologies into the life of the city, for which they care. They do not intend to leave the region after graduation and want to work here.

Best students will be considered to be employed in the iTerritory or will continue to collaborate on other projects of the institution.


For the Ministry of Information of the Chelyabinsk Region, iTerritory and SUSU, this is not the first experience of effective collaboration in the development of digital solutions. In February 2020, with the participation of university students, the “Let's Remember Everyone by Name” portal was created and later became a laureate of the PROF IT-2020 contest in Krasnoyarsk and the winner of the People's Vote award in the Culture category.


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