The Department of Welding Production Technology and Equipment of the Institute of Engineering and Technology of South Ural State University offers students training in Mechanical Engineering in 15.03.01 Welding Production Technology and Equipment Bachelor’s degree programme and 15.04.01 Digital Design and Production of Welding Structures Made of High-tensile Steel Master’s degree programme to obtain a high-in-demand profession.
Engineering technologists in welding solve the problems of calculating welding modes, choosing equipment, assembling technology and applying welded seams, considering the properties of the material of the product, the specific features of its geometry and operating conditions. They manage quality control of welded joints, certification of welding materials, personnel, technologies, welding equipment and introduce progressive welding processes at enterprises.
“Today, welding plays a leading role in the creation of technically complex and unique structures, which include trunk pipelines, offshore platforms for oil and gas production, components of pipeline valves, large-span bridges, and modern skyscrapers. Our students learn about both welding processes and welding equipment, for example, programming of welding robots, as well as methods of designing complex welding structures and computer simulation of welding processes. Graduates of the 2020 academic year developed a pipe welding technology for Nord Stream 2. Specialists in the field of welding production technologies are among the most in-demand ones both in the Russian market and at the international level, especially in the field of robotic automation of welding processes and modelling of welding technology,” says Mikhail Ivanov, Head of the Department of Welding Production Technology and Equipment, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) and Associate Professor.
Students can enrol in the Bachelor’s degree programme based on the results of their examinations in: profile Mathematics (Unified State Examination), Russian Language (Unified State Examination), Physics or Computer Science (Unified State Examination); and in the Master’s degree programme, based on the results of the interview.
The department collaborates with the leading Russian and international universities, and also with academic and research and education centres. The main academic partners of the department include Zhejiang Ocean University, China; University of Windsor, Canada; Graz University of Technology, Austria; Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk; Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
The academic staff of the department includes 2 Doctors and 6 Candidates of Sciences.
In the course of the educational process, students are able to enrol in the Faculty of Military Education and obtain a military speciality, which is counted for conducting military service, join the scientific work of Master’s students and postgraduates of the department, participate in international conferences, and receive an increased scholarship. During the senior years, the best students are invited to take paid practical trainings at leading enterprises of the region.
Graduates of the Department of Welding Production Technology and Equipment are high-in-demand at the enterprises of the oil and gas, automobile, shipbuilding, pipe industry, construction and mechanical engineering, that is, at all enterprises where welding is used.
“The educational process was not easy, but very interesting still. On your way through the thorny path to new knowledge and skills, you could always count on the wise pieces of advice from the academics. During my studies, I participated in various competitions and championships, which allowed me to better understand my speciality and develop teamwork skills. The most important thing in the learning process is to have an interest in your profession and not give up in a difficult situation. I liked my speciality so much that I decided to continue my studies in postgraduate programme,” says Denis Derbenev, engineer of the R&D RosNITI.
In our region, the main employers include:
- PAO Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant
- АО Trubodetal (United Metallurgical Company)
- АО Konar
- ZAO Joint Pipeline Bends
- ОАО Chelyabinsk Mechanical Plant
- Tractor Plant DST-URAL
- АО Kopeysk Mechanical Engineering Plant
- ОАО Chelyabinsk Mechanical Plant
- ОАО Chelyabinsk Mechanical Engineering Plant of Autuomobile Trailers Uralavtopritsep
- ООО Stankomash
- PAO Gazprom
- ОАО RosNITI (Pipe Metallurgical Company)