The Olympiad is held from November 26th through November 28th at the Department of Economic Security of the School of Economics and Management of South Ural State University.
The Olympiad is held in accordance with the Plan of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in order to ensure academic mobility and increase the interest of student youth in the chosen professional field.
Due to the current conditions, the Olympiad is held online, while the procedure for all stages has not changed:
1) Testing is carried out through an online form.
2) Case tasks are solved with the help of a specially prepared resource, while a virtual room is provided for the work of participating teams from different universities.
3) Scientific research takes place in the virtual Google meet room through a corporate account, what helps both to demonstrate presentation materials by the speakers and support up to 100 participants simultaneously.
The detailed program of the event can be found here
The Olympiad is supported by the following organisations: Regional Council for Valuation in the Chelyabinsk Region, OBiCon Consulting Company, ANO Chelyabinsk Regional Agency for Economic Security and Risk Management, South Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Financial and Economic Forensic Experts Union (Moscow).