Innovative solutions that are at the final stage of development with the possibility of submitting a ready-made solution and / or prototype for trial operation and / or procurement in the interests of the Russian Railways are accepted to the open request.
The Russian Railways is conducting an open request to find innovative solutions in the following thematic areas:
• innovative antenna mast (applications are to be submitted from October 26, 2020 through December 30, 2020);
• automation of the filling passenger trains with cold water, which excludes overflow of water and freezing of the pipelines in winter (applications are to be submitted from October 26, 2020 through December 27, 2020);
• locomotive diagnostics system (applications are to be submitted from November 1, 2020 to December 25, 2020);
• development of a system / equipment for non-destructive testing of passenger platform structures through remote collection of information with the creation of a 3D projection and visualization of defects (applications are to be submitted from October 26, 2020 through December 31, 2020);
• search for the faulty braking equipment of a freight car when testing from the stationary installations (applications are to be submitted from November 2, 2020 through January 12, 2021);
• automation of the process of decoding defectograms of ultrasonic testing for infrastructure objects of removable and mobile diagnostic tools (applications are to be submitted from October 26, 2020 through December 27, 2020).
If you are interested in the research or already have developments that can form the basis of innovations for the Russian Railways; and if you need expert advice in related areas, please contact the SUSU Project Preparation and Support Service of the Research and Innovation Services or the “University Boiling Point” Centre for Collective Work: 267-90-19, 272-30-22. Address: office 249, 141 Kommuni Street.
Detailed information about the competition, as well as the documents required for the participation, will be provided to you upon your request to the Project Preparation and Support Services of the Research and Innovation Services or the “University Boiling Point” Centre for Collective Work: 267-90-19, 272-30-22. Address: office 249, 141 Kommuni Street.