SUSU will hold Interuniversity Students Research and Practice Conference "Regional Aspects of World Politics, Economy, Language and Culture"

International Communication Department of SUSU International Relations Faculty invites to take part in Interuniversity Students Research and Practice Conference “Regional Aspects of World Politics, Economy, Language and Culture” which will take place in April, 2013.

Conference purpose: the discussion of current issues of world politics, economy, language and culture development through the prism of regional experience  with the purpose of application of theoretical knowledge by young specialists in the course of their education at the university and further labor activity.

The following questions which define the work of sections within scientific forum are to be discussed in the course of the conference:

1. Political institutes of integration character within EU: problems and prospects

2. Interaction of various civilization types and cross-cultural communication within the European policy of multiculturalism: positive and negative aspects of the problem

3. Problem of interaction of cultures within the migration policy: world experience and Russian practice

4. Regional aspects of  economic safety provision

5. International economic integration: regional aspect

6. Role of the international cooperation in the region development

7. International security: global and regional aspects

8. World environmental policy: regional aspect

9. Language policy: Russian and international experience

10. Language role in the course of the regions integration into the international political and economic space

11. Status of the foreign languages in the contemporary Russian linguistic consciousness

12. Studying of speech behaviour in the social networks: global and regional aspects

13. Regional component in the course of language culture formation

14. Text in the philological, sociocultural and regional aspects

15. Regional culture and mass media: discourse and psycholinguistic analysis.

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